437: My Wonderful Body
World of Empowerment
437: My Wonderful Body
January 21, 2023
Where along this long road of human existence did I forget to marvel at this incredible creation called the human body? #Humans #bodiesbodiesbodies #Health #SickNotWeak #CovidIsntOver https://youtu.be/1Sv69D7hz0Y @ahonu
My body has a sore throat this morning, so this will be short. I realize it is my body that has the sore throat and not me. Now why am I drawing this distinction? I know I am not my body, and I am in amazement at how the body responds to infections and diseases and viruses. I feel that even as my body is fighting this sore throat.
And I think further about how I can see you and you can see me—the marvelous design of our eyes, the incredible ability of our ears to interpret sounds, vibrations in the air, the ability for us to coordinate and maneuver our existence here, and to walk and talk. I can feel the hunger in my belly and I marvel at the ability of this human mechanism to digest food and turn it into energy. 
I wonder where along this long road of human existence did I forget to marvel at this incredible creation called the human body? (All bodies indeed!) Where did we forget how amazing our body is?
Blessings from Ahonu & Aingeal Rose