388: Happy Valentines Day!
World of Empowerment
388: Happy Valentines Day!
February 14, 2022
Happy Valentines Day from Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

Happy Valentines Day from Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

Hey, we don't have to remind you, this is Valentine's Day! This is the day the world is in love. But in fact, there is love everywhere. All day, every day. We all know that. But this is the day we tend to express it.

And I want to express my love for you. My love for Aingeal Rose. My love for all our children, all our families, all our friends. But all cultures, all nations, all colors, all races, all nationalities. This is the day to feel it. That we are one. We're together. We're in love with each other, with creation, with the potential of humanity.

Have a blessed day today and every day. From myself, Ahonu, and from Aingeal Rose.