Fairies Love Prayer: The Power of Divine Grace
World of Empowerment
Fairies Love Prayer: The Power of Divine Grace
August 26, 2023
In this episode, Ahonu dives into the fascinating intersection of religion, folklore, and spiritual entities. Amidst the strong Catholic influence, he also explored the belief in fairies, a phenomenon widely accepted and appreciated in Ireland, and ends with a simple prayer of empowerment.
In this episode, Ahonu dives into the fascinating intersection of religion, folklore, and spiritual entities. He begins by reminiscing about his upbringing in Catholic Ireland, where they were taught prayers by rote, without truly understanding their meaning. But amidst the strong Catholic influence, he also explored the belief in fairies, a phenomenon widely accepted and appreciated in Ireland.

Ahonu shares his personal experiences in encounters with these magical beings but quickly transitions to discussing other spiritual entities, such as demons, that people have reported feeling or encountering. He addresses the need for protection from these negative forces and offers a prayer that has proved effective for many individuals. This simple and beautiful affirmation is designed to remove curses and vows, providing comfort and security. He encourages listeners to embrace this affirmation during times of vulnerability, and especially in this great time of change.

Ahonu concludes the episode with heartfelt blessings and a reminder that we are all loved, honored, and protected by Divine Grace.

1. How do you feel about the practice of saying prayers by rote without understanding their meaning?
2. Have you ever had any experiences with fairies or heard stories about them? How does your culture or community perceive fairies?
3. Do you believe in the existence of other entities such as demons or negative forces? Have you ever felt their presence or had any encounters?
4. Have you ever used affirmations or prayers as protection? If so, what were the results?
5. How do you interpret the phrase "I am loved, honored, and protected, and I am safe within the arms of Divine Grace"? What does it mean to you personally?
6. In times of great change or vulnerability, do you turn to spiritual practices for support? If so, what are some practices that have helped you navigate challenging times?
7. How do you understand the concept of Divine Grace? What role does it play in your spiritual beliefs or understanding?
8. How do you feel about the idea of being safe within the arms of Divine Grace? Does it provide comfort or reassurance? Why or why not?
9. Do you think affirmations or prayers have the power to affect our experiences and protect us from negative energies or influences? Why or why not?
10. What role does spirituality or religion play in your life? Are there any particular prayers or affirmations that hold significance for you?